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Showing posts from August, 2012

Release β.0.5: improved anonymous expenses sheet

When creating an expenses sheet anonymously, the user can choose to be sent an email with the link to the expenses sheet.

Release β.0.3: bin for expenses sheet

After many unwanted deletion of expenses sheet, bin for expenses sheets has finally been implemented. It is now impossible for users to delete directly an expenses sheet: the sheet is marked as deleted and automatically destroyed 30 days after its last edition, unless the user recovers it before. The action of deleting is now more coherent with other actions as it is undoable.

Release β.0.2: bug fixes and improvements

B: debts panel didn't span on all the available space B: when creating new expenses sheet, datebox not always synchronized with period checkbox B: anonymous expenses sheet sometimes issued a "conflict error" with no good reasons (this bug decreased also the performance) I: now possible to select expenses after the first page of expenses I: warning is displayable about the price per person (valid only if equal distribution)